Purchasing a car or vehicle can be a significant expense. If the car or vehicle is faulty, develops serious faults not long after you have purchased it, or is not as it was described by the seller, you may have a number of legal rights and remedies.
The situation can be made more stressful and inconvenient if the seller of the car or vehicle either refuses to deal with the fault or let you return the car or vehicle and provide a refund or a price reduction. The seller may also refuse to accept liability for the fault that the car or vehicle has.
If you purchased a car or vehicle from Dealer, Car Showroom or Garage which is faulty, defective, unsatisfactory or not fit for purpose you may have a number of legal rights which include:
It is often the case that a car or vehicle is purchased with a finance agreement or finance lender. This can cause a number of issues if the car or vehicle is defective, including your continuing liability to the finance company or lender. However, you may be able to seek remedies under Consumer Law and our Firm can certainly represent you in such matters.
We have been regularly instructed on a number of matters involving purchasing of faulty, defective cars or vehicles that are not fit for purpose. We can contact the Dealer, Car Showroom or Garage on your behalf and seek remedies for you. This can include repair to the vehicle, replacement of the vehicle and / or compensation or damages.
Contact North Ford Solicitors for professional legal representation and assistance on your Consumer Law matters.